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Charter Memberships are generally for schools who, with their students, would like to study the art of Kenpo under our direction, follow our guidelines and attain rank within the association. These members are expected to wear our patch, follow our guidelines and test according to our requirements.


Individuals who are studying privately with a current association instructor are considered charter members.

With your membership, you'll receive a Certificate of Membership, a 6-inch Ohana Kenpo Association Patch, a 3-inch Ed Parker Memory Patch, 4-inch OKKA Rocker Patch, a 6-inch Ohana Kenpo Crest Sticker, and a 6-inch Association Sticker.

Charter Membership

  • It is important to understand that membership does not include rank of any kind.  Your certificate is for membership only. Rank may be earned within the association, but it's not given automatically - regardless of current rank or training.

  • Annual Dues are $24.00.  We don't send out renewal notices, or bills to the members.  It's been our experience that if a member would like to drop out of the association, the last thing they want is to receive continual requests for money.  We feel if a member wants to stay current, they'll make an effort to do so.

Honor - Integrity - Friendship - Respect​

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